Sunday, April 7, 2024



I am not a native speaker
Of love’s language just like thee
But thy smell of Eden’s flower
Makes a lover out of me…
So forgive the lack of romance
That my verses carry on
I do like the old school loving
Like they did in Babylon
Let’s not waste time, let's do it
What’s of love is just divine
Leave the fancy cups to angels
All we taste is simply wine
Let me touch the untouched
To explore its deepest regions
Is not afraid of the darkness
The sacrified of all religions...
Leonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am


Tuesday, April 2, 2024


I use to travel from bit to bit
I loved the rock and roll
The kind of guy a girl could meet
At any concert hall
I saw you dancing on the floor
You were the queen that night
I felt like never did before
Lost of words, my feet were tied…
Although all light of universe
Could never take your throne
You placed a knife upon my chest
And cut my heart and bone…
...and just like I was thinking lately
of Mozart and Chopin
You came in silence to write your opera
Upon the soul of man…
So I became your masterpiece
You play in every hall
The one who hates you in his silence
And loves you most of all…
ⒸLeonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am

Tuesday, February 6, 2024


U mbytën qiejt në gotën time,
Qiejt mëkatarë...
Në rrugë vrapojnë zemra jetime,
Shpirtra të vrarë...
U tretën qiejt në gotën time
K'të natë të çalë,
Që lakuriq rend derê më derë,
Si e përdalë....
U thërrmuan qiejt në gotën time,
Yjet dhanë shpirt
Më mbeti veç ëndrra nê zgjime
Më i ëmbli flirt...
Leonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am

Thursday, November 23, 2023



Keep the door ajar for me,
Even if my presence you cannot see.
Though I may seem lost in the dread,
In your heart, believe instead.
Keep the door wide open,
do not sway,
For I promise to return one day.
Even if Hell itself obstructs my way,
It will merely cause a slight delay.
ⒸLeonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am

Friday, October 6, 2023


O human flesh,
touch of divine,
don't hold your breath
in a broken line,
don't tie the heart,
it is not only thine
it is a dream i dreamed,
it is entirely mine.
O human flesh,
be wise and sane,
break the shackles,
cut off the chain
that keeps you tied
to a speck of time...
be yours for ever
and always mine.

Leonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am

Thursday, March 2, 2023

*** RIP Papi....



It is again 3Am sweetheart
And my hands are bleeding badly
Is a decision that God made apart
Not the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Good were condemned to die
Under the terror of the Ugly"s guns
Those who survived were forced to pay
The protection of the Bad"s strong arms
Those like me were put to hard labor
To rebuild this planet anew
It is still 3 Am sweetheart
I have to work one more hour, or two...
Leonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am


Thursday, February 16, 2023


I try hard to catch my breath.
God, I am not young anymore.
It is a shadow over there
And a thought behind the door.
There is a guard at the gate,
He is staring hard on me...
There are demons everywhere,
He thinks; demon is only me.
There is a flower at the window
And a dog is barking hungry.
There is a witch and a widow,
They are keeping quiet but looking angry.
I do hear the silence screaming,
Here it is getting noisy every day
I killed a shadow. I did it fearless,
I had to do it in my way...
I try hard to catch my breath,
To preserve freedom from the blade
These times of evil, time of death
Find and shall find me unafraid...
ⒸLeonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am

Friday, August 26, 2022



I will not use Facebook any more
No more Insta, Tik nor Tweet
I will leave the keys outside the door
So you may want to come and lock it
I will spend my time on city parks
On village fields of lovely green
To meet the olds friends I have lost
Outside the networks and within
To see their lovely true eyes
As nature blessed them to be
Without filters and full of life
The same way I am seeing thee.
This is not, running to the past
It is fully living what is real
It is making moments forever last
Beside a cup of coffee or a meal
Dear friend of mine, from far a way
From time to time, we will send a letter
Meantime, just like in the good old days
Let us live it simple, it is always better.
ⒸLeonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am

Wednesday, May 4, 2022


We stand up every morning
We hear the same old blues
This world has a lot to offer
But not the right to choose
We speak within the silence
The last one of our chords
This is no place for talking
This is no place for words
There is no true remaining
Is fake even our belief
Hell, what are we betraying
Under the cloak of grief?
Our heart lies in the south
Our soul lies in the north
Our ego is unbowed
But that's not even worth...
God spoke us from the east
God spoke us from the west
We were deaf to hear and blind
So we couldn't see the rest...
There is again blood on the street
We hear the same old blues
We live the life for us chosen
And not the one we choose.

ⒸLeonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am

Friday, March 18, 2022



If I could find, the light I have lost
At the abysses of my dreams
Left behind in deep nights-frost
Like a trace of desert streams...
Could you heal the broken sky?
Could you find a path, a way?
To hold eternity within your sigh
So I can breathe again one day...?
Leonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am

Thursday, October 7, 2021



We lived a thousand nights at one,
that starry night of late September,
and counted breathes one by one,
each one an echo to remember…
A lot of time has passed since then,
though never enough will be it ever,
until death...would be a shame
We put it right and said: Forever…
Now our breath has become wisdom
and our kids are growing fast
i found a way to feel emotional
about that starry night of our past
You may have some gray hair now,
or any wrinkle on your skin,
you'll always be the brightest star
the vastness of heavens bears within.
ⒸLeonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


I am not done here
It is only the beginning
Already my footprints
Are wet on the shore
My turbulent voice
Like a candle is dimming
While my silence is silk
Within it golden core.
I am not done here
Don’t call it farewell
I embraced the night
But not the darkness
And just like the light
I like to dwell
Inside the vastness
Of her heartless…
I’m not done here
You were dreaming
I’m in the dwelling place
Of the gods
It is my silence now
That’s screaming
Against all efforts
And all the odds…
Leonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am

Friday, August 20, 2021



As we walk through the chaos, 
Through the absence of light
They are burning our fuel
By keeping us tight
To their beautiful lie
To their poisoning word
"It is your destiny child
And the will of the Lord"

"You are doing it good,
Your are doing it great,
Kill as much as you can 
but show no hate.
Smile as best as you can
As your lips can do
Give them no rest 
And surley no clue."

We obey as the sheeps 
To their pastor insane
Following their rules
Following their lane
As the watching dog
Reminds us well
There are wolfs outside, 
Is best to stay in the dwell.

Leonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am

Monday, March 8, 2021


I raised a hand
When pain was calling
Offered me without a doubt
Saw her eyes on curtains falling
Just like a hurricane, before depart.
I crossed oceans
Through winters slamming
Their icy tongue upon my chest
Yet my heart continued hamming
Like a woodpecker, that build its nest
I met the Lady
That comes to save us
From our ego of being king
Wasn’t my time, but I was cursed
To kiss her lips, though yet was spring.
She kindly asked
If I could please her
In her bed, she went to lie
I had no remorse, nor any regrets
I had seen enough, high time to die…
I laid down,
On haven sheets
Beside the mighty Lady Black
I touched her breast, kissed her lips
Surprisingly she was not kissing back.
She gazed me,
My soul was missing
Long time ago I gave it to thee
My lips were dry, not worth kissing
A man more cold than a grave can be…
Leonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


E ja ku jemi, sërish ne dy
Buzëputhur gjer në gjak
Një tjetër s’njeh kjo botë si ty
Ti, vetëm ti më hedh në flakë.

E ja ku jemi, sërish dhe sot
Krejt lakuriq e përqafuar
E s’di pse qielli thonë ka Zot
Të kish një zonjë, do ish mjaltuar... 

ⒸLeonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am

Wednesday, January 13, 2021



Mu kujtuan kohët e vjetra
Ato që s’kthehen më.
Shkruar ditët nëpër letra
Djegur një nga një.
Nëpër ëndrra shkruar netët
Ëndrrat janë zhgënim
Janë vrimë e zezë ku poetët
Çojnë shpirtin për flijim.
Mu kujtua koha që shkoi
O mikja ime e re
Ti je gjithçka pena s‘më shkroi
Për miken që pas le.
E bukur ish ajo dikur
Sa drita kish siklet.
Kur çelte sytë e saj plot nur
Më mbushte plot me jetë.
I ftohtë, i zverdhur, si gjethe vjeshte
Që toka po e pret.
I lumtur vdes në këto momente
Ndërsa ti fle e qetë.
Se unë e di, kur ti të zgjohesh
Dritë sërish do ketë
Si mik’e vjetër do mjaltohesh
E do rivij në jetë.
Leonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am
IMG attribution to Redditor RealLiveGirl shared

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Kjo është një këngë e pakënduar
Janë tinguj që s’u luajtën kurrë
Janë vargje ende të pashkruar
Me peshë malli që bren dhe gurë.

Janë njëmijë nota lidhur përdore
Njëmijë netë që prekin ëndrra.
Një zemër ngrirë në kristal bore
Një kupë pa pirë me shpresa brenda

Është një tufë lule e padhuruar
Këputur shekujsh në eden
Një copëz shpirti e harruar
Në një fjalë të vetme mbi pregamenë

Njëmijë momente pajetuar
Braktisur ndoshta ashtu shkujdesur
Si libra ende palexuar
Nga pluhur’i kohës të përvesur.

Janë njëmijë rrugë për t’u arritur
Njëmijë drejtime për t’u ndjekur
Një fllad i lehtë mbi dorën tënde
Që vjen të puth e bie i vdekur…

Leonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am

Friday, June 19, 2020


I got the blues baby
In your eyes, I got the blues
And a road baby
A long road under my shoes

I got this feeling baby
An evening cry on my shoulder
I got the blues baby
I am sorry babe this day got older

We still got the night baby
Do not get me wrong.
We got the night baby
The night is young it is too young

Come close to me baby
Morning light might kill me slow
I might be gone babe
Just like a dream babe, you know…

Leonard Seiti Wednesday Morning 3Am